Technological innovation
We use precision agriculture to maximize the effectiveness of the different resources we use in the production process.
Thanks to field mapping, we measure the electroconductivity of the soil and, based on this data, we determine the texture and therefore its capacity to retain water.
Thanks to this information, the sectors of our irrigation systems are designed. In this way we limit waste as much as possible and give the crop what it needs, in the correct measure.
We also use the same principle for crop nutrition. Ours is an organic company that only uses fertilizers of natural origin, despite this we prefer not to waste them. In fact, the quantity of fertilizer to be distributed is precisely determined based on the needs of the crop and the availability of the different macro and micro elements in the soil.
This availability was precisely measured through a georeferenced core sampling and analysis of soil samples, which gave us maps representative of the quantity of the different macro and micro elements and other characteristics of the soil, for example the pH of the different plots.
Our fertilization plans are developed on the basis of these maps, always with the aim of limiting waste as much as possible.
Again thanks to precision agriculture, we have already planned the installation of sensors that will allow us to determine when the pressure of a given adversity reaches critical levels and to identify the ideal moment to intervene.